Discussion topic: Sky glass keeps stopping makes loud noise and screen has no pictures just lines

This message was authored by Linzi20 This message was authored by: Linzi20

Sky glass keeps stopping makes loud noise and screen has no pictures just lines

Every few days the screen picture goes off and is covered in lines. The tv also makes a loud high pitched sound at the same time. Thsi has happened three or four times now and has to be powered down to stop it. 
it then works ok again. 


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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky glass keeps stopping makes loud noise and screen has no pictures just lines

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Linzi20  I had something similar a couple of years ago with my Glass TV, however yours sounds a little more severe.  I found a normal reboot didn't resolve it so left the TV unplugged overnight.  When I plugged it back in the problem was resolved and luckily it never came back.


Give it a try but if it doesn't work or if the problem keeps coming back I would call Sky for some additional troubleshooting and maybe a replacement Glass TV if it is within its 2 year warranty period.

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This message was authored by Linzi20 This message was authored by: Linzi20

Re: Sky glass keeps stopping makes loud noise and screen has no pictures just lines

Thanks that's really helpful. Yes it will do as we've only had it for a few months. 


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