Discussion topic: Sky glass black screen on sky sports news adverts

This message was authored by Khibbert This message was authored by: Khibbert

Sky glass black screen on sky sports news adverts

I have an issue where only on the adverts when watching sky sports news the screen will go black for 2-3 seconds then comes back on. Then on the second time the screen goes black and stays black. No sound. You can exit out and any other programme is ok. Only happens on this channel in the adverts. I have done a hard reset with sky. Factory reset also. Was ok for most of the day then happening again. Sky can't understand why this Chanel only. If you unplug you can watch the Chanel again until the screen goes black. Can anybody help. This is now becoming annoying. Think this started since the last update to EOS 1.3. 


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This message was authored by Mr+OD This message was authored by: Mr+OD

Re: Sky glass black screen on sky sports news adverts

I'm also having the same issue . With sky sports news only during the adverts it goes black screen until I swap channels back and forth


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