Discussion topic: Raine

This message was authored by Jasonraine This message was authored by: Jasonraine


Sky glass keeps freezing 


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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Raine

@Jasonraine wrote:

Sky glass keeps freezing 

Checked your broadband?

Tried rebooting the TV? 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Raine

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@Jasonraine wrote:

Sky glass keeps freezing 

First thing to try is to unplug it for 10 minutes.


However that will likely only be a short term fix as the issue you are describing is usually due to network instability. The Glass TV needs a strong and stable internet connection, so if you are connecting via Wifi there is a good cause you have interference that is causing instability in your Wifi network. If you are connecting the Glass to the internet via Wfi i'd suggest doing the following in order to test this is your issue:


1. Connect the Glass to the internet via an ethernet cable. (if your router is no-where near your Glass TV for an ethernet cable, then considering purchasing some cheapish powerline adapters (£30-40) that can be used instead.

2. In the Glass Network Settings, disable the Wifi

3. Reboot the TV by unplugging it for a couple of minutes.

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