Discussion topic: Playlist

This message was authored by Anne-Marie7 This message was authored by: Anne-Marie7


I'm having a problem with my playlist. I add programmes to it and then they are not there when I want to watch them. Or they take a day or more to be there. More frequently from BBC. Is there any way to record programmes like the old sky box and then you have it there straight away?


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Playlist

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

No, you have to wait for the show to be available on the relevant streaming app.


typically I've noticed the BBc tends to make shows available almost immediately, but for ITV it's usually a few hours after initial broadcast that a show it made available to view via ITV X.


another thing that causes an issue is when the on-demand app has the incorrect metadata on a show, it prevents it being pick up on the playlist. I've seen this a couple of times on ITV X where a show is available but isn't taged with a series and episode number which prevents it appearing on the Sky playlist until it does get tagged correctly in the source app.

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This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Playlist

@Anne-Marie7 wrote:

I'm having a problem with my playlist. I add programmes to it and then they are not there when I want to watch them. Or they take a day or more to be there. More frequently from BBC. Is there any way to record programmes like the old sky box and then you have it there straight away?

The only way to truly record programmes is to switch to Sky Q. You can ask Sky to do this and you can attach a Q box to your Glass TV via HDMI. You have to continue paying for the cost of the Glass TV and start a new Sky Q subscription instead of a streaming subscription. 

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Playlist

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Anne-Marie7 .  Your query has been ably answered by @Jones_The_Cat and @MarkGoldsmithbut I wanted to add to the comment about switching to Sky Q


If making recordings is important to you Sky Q is currently the best option however whilst I appreciate it is subjective and a personal choice I have now got so used to Streaming and the convenience of watching virtually anything I want when I want that I would personally not consider going back to Sky Q.

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