Discussion topic: Pausing live shows ends up jumping ahead for the time I paused it

This message was authored by EmDee82 This message was authored by: EmDee82

Pausing live shows ends up jumping ahead for the time I paused it

Whenever I pause live TV and then press play when I'm ready to watch again, the show will often then jump ahead to where the show really is (while live).  So it's pointless having the pause function for live TV because when I start watching again, it'll only allow me to watch around 10 minutes before it then comes out of its delayed time and catches up with the live programme instead.  It means I end up missing whole chunks of shows and I have to start them all over again.


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This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Pausing live shows ends up jumping ahead for the time I paused it

See the other discussions on the subject... You can only pause for 10 mins or so☹️


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