Discussion topic: No 4k on prime video on glass TV

This message was authored by Danb5 This message was authored by: Danb5

No 4k on prime video on glass TV

My third day owning a glass tv 65, prime video will not display UHD or HDR, hdr is set on app, uhd set on tv, turned on and off, no uhd no hdr nothing, prime just says HD, pretty annoying considering the TV is 4k and supports HDR 🙃 any fix?


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Topic Author
This message was authored by Danb5 This message was authored by: Danb5

Re: No 4k on prime video on glass TV

Okay so randomly it now works, also found out prime original content is only 4k not the hunger games or the hobbit which sucks but meh, at least the prime originals are now working, guess it needed a minute 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Danb5 This message was authored by: Danb5

Re: No 4k on prime video on glass TV

Update::: only one prime original worked, the boys is still Hd, this is infuriating considering my old LG which I replaced which was a 300 pound TV played Amazon 4k natively and on fire stick. 1200 pound TV can't even do that.... Apple TV works, Netflix works, prime nope.... other than that TV is good but man it's annoying 

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: No 4k on prime video on glass TV

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



I guess one possibility is that the set isn't getting enough bandwidth.  What does the Netflix network test give as a result?

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by Paul+Boland This message was authored by: Paul+Boland

Re: No 4k on prime video on glass TV



Prime Video The Boys

Only Seasons 3 and 4 is UHD HDR

Seasons 1 and 2 are HD


It's normal for lot of content with prime video subscription  to be HD only 


In regards to Prime Video Subscription UHD HDR that mostly applies to prime originals and some select content they make available in UHD 


Watching Hunger Games as part of prime subscription will be HD that's not an error.


If based in UK you can purchase and rent some films on prime in 4K UHD that's different to watching content made available for viewing as part of prime subscription.

Sky Glass 65 inch and 2 Sky Stream Pucks
Gigabit Siro 100% Fiber Broadband with Digiweb
1000 Mbps download and 200 Mbps upload speed
I only use wired ethernet with Sky Glass and Sky Stream Pucks
Topic Author
This message was authored by Danb5 This message was authored by: Danb5

Re: No 4k on prime video on glass TV



i have 70+ mbps single flat, no issues on other things. Prime labels things as UHD HDR which is misleading cause it won't stream it




I was trying to watch boys season 4 and it's listed as UHD HDR as with many other programmes but only plays HD, guess it's a prime video issue rather than the tv itself, Amazon are clearly misleading although as I said other things on my LG tv was UHD but not for glass, I blame Amazon, tv is fine, I just had my replacement arrive as my first tv was having problems with the speaker so will test this one also 

This message was authored by Paul+Boland This message was authored by: Paul+Boland

Re: No 4k on prime video on glass TV


Prime Video

Some content will be UHD and some will be UHD/HDR and some very limited amount of content in Dolby Vision.


HDR will get flagged on some TV's when is available as part of that stream

Note see below in regards to Sky Glass


You can see if you watching UHD version by clicking languages & More on prime listing.

Some Tv's wont list you viewing in UHD but but will list HDR or dolby vision if that is available in the stream. 


The Hobbit Films on Prime Video  are UHD but not UHD/HDR


Sky Glass if content is broadcast with Dolby Vision you will see this mentioned when you click 3 dots on remote but only when it's using Dolby Vision.

Streaming Apps on Sky Glass

If the content is just UHD/HDR you will not see UHD/HDR mentioned when you click the 3 dots on sky glass remote even though you are watching a video stream in UHD or UHD/HDR


Prime Video there is very limited amount of content that has Dolby Vision

Sky Glass 65 inch and 2 Sky Stream Pucks
Gigabit Siro 100% Fiber Broadband with Digiweb
1000 Mbps download and 200 Mbps upload speed
I only use wired ethernet with Sky Glass and Sky Stream Pucks

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