Discussion topic: Issues after restarting a programme

This message was authored by GillBL This message was authored by: GillBL

Issues after restarting a programme

Recently when restarting a programme/film, while fast forwarding the ads, after a while it just kicks me out and goes to the live programme that is on at the time.  This has only just started happening and always at the best bit of the programme.  Anyone else having this problem?  


It happens on both the Sky Glass which is connected to the internet via an ethernet cable and on the puck in another room that is connected via WiFi. 


Thank you 


All Replies

This message was authored by Stephen+Mourton This message was authored by: Stephen+Mourton

Re: Issues after restarting a programme

@GillBL  Have you tried fast forwarding the ads but stopping just before it reaches the end.  I find if you go right to the end you end up a minute or so into the programme. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by GillBL This message was authored by: GillBL

Re: Issues after restarting a programme

@Stephen+Mourton it's not always at the end of the programme, this afternoon it was only half way through and it just went off and into the live programme.

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Issues after restarting a programme

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@GillBL  This has been an issue for a while and happens to me from time to time.  Unfortunately I do not know of any solution other than not to FF or RW when using "watch from start".


It actually happened to me earlier this afternoon when I used FF whilst watching from start on Channel 5.  Luckily I was able to find the programme on the My5 App.

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