Discussion topic: In trying to attach skylive to my wall mounted skygkass 55, I’ve broken the lead for the camera.how

This message was authored by Dazzie64 This message was authored by: Dazzie64

In trying to attach skylive to my wall mounted skygkass 55, I’ve broken the lead for the camera.how

In attempting to fit a skylive camera to our skyglass 55 tv, I've managed to bend the smaller of the two connectors that plug into the television.

i tried to straighten it out but now it doesn't work. 
where can i get a new lead from?


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This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: In trying to attach skylive to my wall mounted skygkass 55, I’ve broken the lead for the camera.

You could  try ebay,  or ring sky


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