Discussion topic: I'm fed up of technical issues

This message was authored by Bardot2 This message was authored by: Bardot2

I'm fed up of technical issues

I'm so done with issues with the glass TV set, but am still paying for it. Anyone else sent it back mid contract?

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This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: I'm fed up of technical issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Bardot2  If you're outside the 31 day cool off you can't "send it back" as you've bought it on a loan agreement not a HP agreement.


Technical Fault issues are mainly caused bu poor or slow wifi if it happens on a regular basis.


Open the netflix app on Glass, go to Get Help, run the connection test, what speed is being reported?

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

This message was authored by DJH66 This message was authored by: DJH66

Re: I'm fed up of technical issues

I am experiencing slow sky streaming on my Skyglass and both pucks if I watch anything on a device that have nothing to do withSky Streaming there are not issues.

I have reset my broadband router hard wired the Skyglass to the router by ethernet, but anything played through the Skyglass or either of the pucks is slow, even the UI is slow.

I have a Google Chromecast that functions absolutely fine, loads BBC IPlayer in seconds, the Sky equipment is always slow to load IPlayer and most apps.

Unfortunately I am far enough into paying for the Sky Glass TV that I cannot return it, if I could I would return it if I was able to.

I will be checking my consumer rights to see legally exactly what my rights are to reject it for poor quality and poor service, ever since I purchased Skyglass it has been problem after problem.

Nothing ever gets said, nothing explained, Sky just sweeps all of these problems under the carpet. 

I am even considering cancelling all of my Sky subscriptions and using the Sky glass simply as a TV while I pay off the rest of the loan.

I Don't appreciate being told to follow this guide or that guide, I have tried them all and nothing works.

I work in the IT industry and can say it is not poor WiFi or broadband that has been ruled out, everything works fine for a period of time then I get things like this which started on 1/2/25 now I get the service randomly stopping in the middle of a show with a black screen when you return to the home screen it has lost connection then I have to reboot the Sky Glass just for it to start working again.

If I check Sky’s service checker and it states that all is well, utter rubbish.

 The services I pay for are expensive, substandard and poor value for money.

 Come on Sky pull your finger out.




This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: I'm fed up of technical issues

  • You need a minimum  broadband speed  of 25mps  to the tv if you are watching  in uhd then a minimum  of 35mps to the tv  and each puck  I have gigafast broadband  900mps  and have had no issues  with the tv, puck, laptop, Xbox, 3 mobile  phones tablet, 3 alexers or my p c or wireless  printer 
This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: I'm fed up of technical issues

My tv on the check on my Netflix  shows  95mps downstairs  and  the the puck upstairs  is 79mps 


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