Discussion topic: Galax: A New Sky Live Game!

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Galax: A New Sky Live Game!

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


Sky Live is always growing and today, we've launched another new game called Galax!





G.A.L.A.X is a puzzle game set in space where two players must strategically blast aliens
with lasers, while protecting allied spaceships from friendly fire through physical movement.

G.A.L.A.X offers 60 levels and a bonus level, challenging players' brainpower, motor skills,
and cooperative abilities.


Give it a blast, let us know your feedback...

  • How do you find the game?
  • Can you upload a picture of the level you've managed to get to?
  • Are you stuck on a level, where someone can help?
  • What would you like to see going forward with our games?


Community Manager