Discussion topic: Flickering picture

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Yes done that on my settings. No i don't have the UHD/Atmos pack as part of the package. Would you say it's worth me trying the output on 2160p anyway ? 

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

Yes done that on my settings. No i don't have the UHD/Atmos pack as part of the package. Would you say it's worth me trying the output on 2160p anyway ? 

You can if you like - all it does is put additional pressure on the puck as it has to upscale the native 1080i streams itself before outputting to your TV. If you leave it on 1080i (and have no need for 4K from the puck) then your TV will do the upscaling, often better than the puck will. 

I could tell the difference with my puck - I found that my TV did the better job of upscaling. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Ok cool thanks for that advice. I will get back to you on here asap once i've watched a few shows to see if i still notice the flashing or not. Hopefully what you've said will make a difference appreciate you getting in touch.

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

There could be some picture 'enhancement' setting on your TV picture settings itself that isn't playing nicely with some program streams from the sky puck. First thing I normally do with a tv is turn off most of the so called enhancements, picture smoothing or noise reduction features as they generally do more damage than good. Still think it could be a refresh rate conflict though especially as you mention graphics flickering. My tv has what's called Drive Modes to fix this. Again be good to know the exact tv you have. 

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

After watching a few shows last night. I can confirm what you said had improved the issue by making it less noticeable in regards to the flickering but i still noticed it in a few places but far less than it was originally this was on 2160p i tried it on last night. If i change back to 1080i do u reckon it will work better for me ? 

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

After watching a few shows last night. I can confirm what you said had improved the issue by making it less noticeable in regards to the flickering but i still noticed it in a few places but far less than it was originally this was on 2160p i tried it on last night. If i change back to 1080i do u reckon it will work better for me ? 

It's impossible to say. No two TV's are the same. What is the make and model of yours? 

As @Paul+Dray suggests - it's always better to turn off all picture enhancement settings on your TV so that you get the purest image possible. Also make sure you are using a decent HDMI cable - either the one that came with the puck or a short (less than 3 metres) certified high speed cable. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

I've turned Tru Motion Off before i had it on Smooth Movement. Do i turn the other options off as well such as Real Cinema , Smooth Gradation , MPEG Noise Redution , Noise Redution , Super Resolution ? @Paul+DraySorry i never replied to your previous message. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

we have an LG tv and the model number is 43UQ81006lb @Paul+Dray 

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

I've turned Tru Motion Off before i had it on Smooth Movement. Do i turn the other options off as well such as Real Cinema , Smooth Gradation , MPEG Noise Redution , Noise Redution , Super Resolution ? @Paul+DraySorry i never replied to your previous message. 

Personally I'd turn all of those off, but picture quality is somewhat subjective. Use whatever settings look good to your eyes. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Will do. Thanks 

This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

@David164 wrote:

I've turned Tru Motion Off before i had it on Smooth Movement. Do i turn the other options off as well such as Real Cinema , Smooth Gradation , MPEG Noise Redution , Noise Redution , Super Resolution ? @Paul+DraySorry i never replied to your previous message. 

I can double check all these settings later (playing a game of cards at the moment with the family) but yes I would turn off/disable all these settings. 
And yes good that you turned off Tru Motion...I find it makes everything look unnatural.

Real Cinema is supposed to help with removing judder so you can switch this on and off while watching a program and see which you prefer.

let us know how you get on with that for now


Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Flickering picture

@Jones_The_Cat wrote:

@David164 wrote:

Yes done that on my settings. No i don't have the UHD/Atmos pack as part of the package. Would you say it's worth me trying the output on 2160p anyway ? 

You can if you like - all it does is put additional pressure on the puck as it has to upscale the native 1080i streams itself before outputting to your TV. If you leave it on 1080i (and have no need for 4K from the puck) then your TV will do the upscaling, often better than the puck will. 

I could tell the difference with my puck - I found that my TV did the better job of upscaling. 

Actually just thinking about what was said here again re upscaling duties. You used to be able to set your resolution settings on a sky plus box to a setting which bypassed internal upscaling letting your TV do a better job of it but I don't think Sky Stream pucks allow this. I think you're forced to set a resolution which does the upscaling in the puck. It was actually a thing that held me back from switching to Stream for a while.

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Hi @Paul+Dray 

If you could check that when you have time and get back to me that would be great. All turned off in settings for now though like you said 🙂 I will see how this goes over the next day or so and tell u how it goes. Thanks for your advice. Happy new year to you and your family hope 2024 is a great year for us all! 

Topic Author
This message was authored by David164 This message was authored by: David164

Re: Flickering picture

Not much change after switching the picture enhanchment settings off. The blue background when they cut to the wide shot on The Chase on ITV1 was flickering during the start of the episode that is on at the moment. I mean i know some graphics on quiz shows are supposed to move but the flickering catches my attention when it happens it never used to happen with Virgin. Just a point to mention that i didn't say before is that I also noticed that it isn't just on the tv this is happening it's also on youtube and other videos i'm watching online so i'm not sure what's gone on since i got rid of Virgin but it's a total nightmare!

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Flickering picture

@Paul+Dray wrote:

@Jones_The_Cat wrote:

@David164 wrote:

Yes done that on my settings. No i don't have the UHD/Atmos pack as part of the package. Would you say it's worth me trying the output on 2160p anyway ? 

You can if you like - all it does is put additional pressure on the puck as it has to upscale the native 1080i streams itself before outputting to your TV. If you leave it on 1080i (and have no need for 4K from the puck) then your TV will do the upscaling, often better than the puck will. 

I could tell the difference with my puck - I found that my TV did the better job of upscaling. 

Actually just thinking about what was said here again re upscaling duties. You used to be able to set your resolution settings on a sky plus box to a setting which bypassed internal upscaling letting your TV do a better job of it but I don't think Sky Stream pucks allow this. I think you're forced to set a resolution which does the upscaling in the puck. It was actually a thing that held me back from switching to Stream for a while.

1080i is the native HD resolution. No upscaling takes place on the puck if you set it to output this. If the puck is connected to a 4K TV then the TV will upscale the 1080i it receives from the puck to 4K to fill the screen.

If the puck is connected to an HD TV then no upscaling is necessary from either device.

2160P is the native UHD resolution so any native UHD content will output as such if the puck is set to 2160P. If left on 2160P then any native 1080i HD content will be upscaled by the puck before being output  at 2160P. 


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