Discussion topic: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

This message was authored by MarkJames66 This message was authored by: MarkJames66

Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Hi, I have a SkyGlass TV and i have horrible audio delay on the discovery channel, the discovery plus app works fine but its just when i livestream the actual channel. All other channels are absolutely fine, could anyone please help me?


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This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

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@MarkJames66 wrote:

Hi, I have a SkyGlass TV and i have horrible audio delay on the discovery channel, the discovery plus app works fine but its just when i livestream the actual channel. All other channels are absolutely fine, could anyone please help me?

This is the second post I've seen today with sync issue on discovery. Potentially a temporary app issue.


always worth pulling the plug on the tv for 10 minutes to see if that solves it though 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by Slappy43 This message was authored by: Slappy43

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Hi, I have the same issue. The audio on. Discovery Plus is out of sync when you access the channel from the Sky TV guide, but is fine if you access via the Discovery Plus app. Why would that be?

This message was authored by Scott107 This message was authored by: Scott107

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Same issue here it's infuriating and can't solve it

This message was authored by DanBaiUK This message was authored by: DanBaiUK

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Hi, I am having exactly the same issue on discovery channel.  If I changes channels then go back it corrects itself but the get dropouts and it goes out of sync again.  Very annoying.

This message was authored by njlawley This message was authored by: njlawley

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

I only ever have sync issues in Discovery - usually the audio is about a second ahead of the visual, and that includes adverts. It's been like this for months, so there must be an issue with the channel.

This message was authored by andymarksonline This message was authored by: andymarksonline

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

I have exactly the same issue. I watch discovery he from the tv guide  and the sound pops and the lip sync goes out. Sometimes it pops quite often. 

I've spoken to sky about it this evening as I was annoyed. They went through the reset process and checks but all was fine. They even offered to replace the glass tv but I said no, it's not an issue with the tv it's an issue with the stream. 

No other channel has this issue. 

they reported they are looking into this and will hopefully resolve it soon. I told them I'd call back in a month and ask for a refund if it's still happening as I'm paying for a service I can't use.  

This message was authored by Delw76 This message was authored by: Delw76

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Been happening on my sky glass for a while now too, really annoying and no way to fix it

This message was authored by DanBaiUK This message was authored by: DanBaiUK

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Mine improved when I unplugged my network cable and run on WiFi.  I have since plugged the network cable back in and it is worse than ever recently.  Mine does exactly the same as above it makes a pop type sound and then goes out of sync.  Each time it pops it goes further out of sync.

This message was authored by SimonLincs This message was authored by: SimonLincs

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Exact same on my sky stream. Changed audio settings to numerous variations, no joy. It's only discovery channel. 

This message was authored by Craig69 This message was authored by: Craig69

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

Same here tried everything to stop it happening but every day the issue is there today it's especially bad within 30 seconds of changing channel to reset it it's back out of sync again really annoying almost to the point of stopping me watching the channel

This message was authored by njlawley This message was authored by: njlawley

Re: Discovery Channel Audio Delay

It has recently gone worse on my Sky Glass - it isn't just Discovery channels that this happens with, but has now spread to the U& channels!


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