Discussion topic: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Topic Author
This message was authored by davey-wp This message was authored by: davey-wp

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Thanks for everyone who has provided assistance.


I contacted Sky yesterday the advisor told me to change my password nothing happened except

that the emails being routed to my mobile phone now gets the same message access denied!!

He said he would call me back this did not happen!!!!!


I contacted sky again this morning the first advisor said she would call me back surprise this did not happen, 2nd call to sky SUCCESS

the advisor was aware of the problem that has been happening for the last couple of days, the problem being an online software problem with Yahoo. It only affects users outside the UK


don't change password, just wait until tomorrow when I was assured that the issue would be fixed


Topic Author
This message was authored by davey-wp This message was authored by: davey-wp

Sky/Yahoo email Access denied

Further to previous discussion re

Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Reference #18.6ef1529.1681200318.2618ef


I spent some 2/3 hours on online chat with a sky advisor regarding the above


The result of my discussion is that IP addresses outside UK & Ireland will/could have their

access denied as above


I was told If your network provider and IP address is restricting on the yahoo servers as access is denied then you would in the first instance try an alternative network but as the IP range will all be SA then that may still cause the server restrictions for security purposes.


Bottom line is IP addresses outside UK & Ireland could have their IP address denied as the IP range is deemed as a possible threat


This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky/Yahoo email Access denied

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@davey-wp wrote:


Bottom line is IP addresses outside UK & Ireland could have their IP address denied as the IP range is deemed as a possible threat


Yes, that has always been the case, and something I've experienced too in the past. I imagine access to specific IP addresses is restricted because of previous activity associated with them.




This message was authored by lewes1853 This message was authored by: lewes1853

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

I am getting exactlry the saem but only on my mobile and I am not outside the uk. Any clues please?


This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@lewes1853 wrote:

I am getting exactlry the saem but only on my mobile and I am not outside the uk. Any clues please?


Are you using a VPN?

This message was authored by lewes1853 This message was authored by: lewes1853

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Yes I am, does this make a difference? Sorry if that is a dim  question!

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@lewes1853 wrote:

Yes I am, does this make a difference? Sorry if that is a dim  question!

Yes, it's very likely the cause. Some Sky sites don't support use of VPNs. Pause it to log in, and you should be fine.

This message was authored by lewes1853 This message was authored by: lewes1853

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Many thanks - it worked perfectly. Really appreciated. All the best.

Topic Author
This message was authored by davey-wp This message was authored by: davey-wp

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Could I set up a VPN whilst in South Africa to get around the problem if so which VPN

This message was authored by lewes1853 This message was authored by: lewes1853

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Really sorry, that's one for someone with know how, which given the great help I received I am sure someone will do likewise for you. All the best.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@davey-wp wrote:

Could I set up a VPN whilst in South Africa to get around the problem if so which VPN

As you can see from @lewes1853 experience, a VPN is unlikely to work, I'm afraid, as some Sky services don't support their use.

This message was authored by stega This message was authored by: stega

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

i fixed this immediaelty by using my VPN set to the UK...  Stange that its happend now after 4 years living abroad.. they are proably clapming down on cybersecuiryt from abraod..


Topic Author
This message was authored by davey-wp This message was authored by: davey-wp

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

Whose vpn do you use, I have tried setting up in SA but am being denied 

This message was authored by Avrilrockets This message was authored by: Avrilrockets

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

I am in Australia - just returned from UK and I am getting the message that i cannot access my emails . Getting message "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server

Can anyone help please  

This message was authored by Avrilrockets This message was authored by: Avrilrockets

Re: "http://skyidapp.sky.com/AK_PM_VPATH0/856922/288_Error.html" on this server.

which VPN  are you using?

Just returned to Australia from UK and cannot access emails

Thanks for any help you can give


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