Discussion topic: please help

This message was authored by sarah731 This message was authored by: sarah731

please help

I hoping someone out there can help me,
We are in the middle of swapping from virgin to sky BUT the road where I live has 2 addresses the same but one is a bungalow and one is a house and I have found out that the bungalow who has an open reach account is actually connected to my post code and not the post code of said bungalow and because the sky broadband needs an open reach line into the house every time we sign up to sky it is cancelled because it says there is already an open reach line to our property. we have been in touch with sky 4 times now and each time they say that it should now be ok but so far its still cancelling every time. I have tried to find an email to get in touch with open reach to try and right the issue from that end but that is like pulling teeth. The first guy i talked to from sky masood was amazing trying to sort it all out but everyone else has give me the same assurances but haven't really grasped what i have been trying to explain to them and it ends up with the broadband being cancelled. can anyone help me???