Discussion topic: Xelion phone system not able to make calls

This message was authored by Kieranw15 This message was authored by: Kieranw15

Xelion phone system not able to make calls



I mostly work from home and use a telephone system called Xelion to make outbound calls. As of today, this no longer seems to work, and I am only met with a series of 3 beeps on repeat when dialling a number.

My IT has advised it is an issue with the new Sky router, as some colleagues who are with Sky have the same problem. I am a new customer to Sky after moving house just prior to Christmas.

Interestingly, this was not an issue for the couple of days I worked on this WiFi before Christmas, and only seems to be an issue on my laptop as I am able to use the IOS application with no issues.


I have checked the broadband shield and set this to 18+ as well as adding the Xelion website to allowed addresses but this hasn't helped. 


Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Xelion phone system not able to make calls

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Kieranw15 If it's just a laptop affected have your tried flushing the dns?


  1. Type cmd in the Start menu search bar and press Enter 
  2. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator 
  3. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter 
  4. A message will confirm that the DNS Resolver Cache was successfully flushed 
  5. Type exit in the Command Prompt or select the red X to exit 

Restart your laptop.


If this doesn't work you could try unplugging the hub for 1 hour to see if it picks up a new IP, as it was working before it might suggest an ip issue.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Kieranw15 This message was authored by: Kieranw15

Re: Xelion phone system not able to make calls



Thank you for this but unfortunately that doesn't seem to work.


The information I have received from IT seems to indicate this issue is on Skys end and related to the new routers.


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