Discussion topic: WhatsApp

This message was authored by Nate117 This message was authored by: Nate117


Someone has contacted me from WhatsApp claiming to be from sky to upgrade my broadband which is close to my contract ending is this a legit thing or a scam anyone else had this

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: WhatsApp

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

That is difficult for us to say but you have to ask yourself, how would Sky know that you are on What's app so I would be cautious with this.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
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This message was authored by mormegil This message was authored by: mormegil

Re: WhatsApp

Sky do use WhatsApp for some communication attempts and should show as a verified user rather than a random number


if in doubt call in

This message was authored by LJB03 This message was authored by: LJB03

Re: WhatsApp

Hi. I had a WhatsApp message from Sky earlier saying I am eligible for free fibre broadband which then took me to a chat asking for my name and address and to follow a security link which looked dodgy so I deleted the chat. The message had the Sky logo with a little green tick so looked genuine.  Is this a scam? 


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