Discussion topic: Total Loss of Service Compensation

This message was authored by TomAsh3789 This message was authored by: TomAsh3789

Total Loss of Service Compensation

Anyone any experience of how this is actually calculated?


I had a total loss for 17 days. According to Ofcom and Sky, compensation is £9.76 per day (less an initial two working days) so I believe I am due £146.40.


Sky have emailed to say I am getting £58.56.(6 days). In the same message they acknowledge I had no service for 15 days. 


I made a complaint and have been advised this is in line with their "policy limits" and my subscription. 


This is clearly at odds with what is published by Sky and Ofcom so wondered if anyone could shed any light.


I have made a further complaint seeking an explanation and await their reply.