Discussion topic: Sky Q unable to connect to 3rd party Access Point

This message was authored by DannyPBlack This message was authored by: DannyPBlack

Sky Q unable to connect to 3rd party Access Point

Morning everyone,


I was really excited to finally be able to get some faster speeds with a new broadband provider but after some testing the other night I'm not sure it's going to be possible with my setup, however I could have been doing something wrong.



Sky Hub (old horizontal model) is connected to phone line + provides WiFi

Ethernet up the stairs to Asus WiFi in Access Point mode (has static IP address configured in Sky Hub's range, Hub doing all DHCP)

Sky Q main box in lounge connected to Hub via WiFi

Ethernet from main box to Mini in an annex

Mini provides WiFi hotspot for Annex (parents-in-laws' devices can only connect to this)


I attempted turning off Hub's own WiFi the other night leaving just the Asus providing all connections.

Attempted connecting the main Q box to this but it wouldn't connect. It could find it but couldn't connect to it.

After 3 hours of messing about, the only way I could get anything working again was to reenable the Hub's own WiFi and everything was back working again.


Could it be the case that the Q box felt that it wasn't "non-sky broadband" because the Hub was still doing the DHCP?

How should a 2nd AP be conifigured? Do people usually just plug and play?

Mine has the Hub set as default gateway and then the Asus has a reserved IP of


I really, really want to get Brsk 10x faster but without confirmation that the annex mini box will still work, I can't sign up to it and will be stuck until Openreach finally do the street, which might be 2 years off.


I'm thinking I did something wrong, maybe when I turned Sky Hub WiFi off it disabled DHCP and therefore nothing was getting an address. I'm going to do some more testing this weekend, or is that fruitless because, fundamentally, the broadband is still Sky (just not providing it's own WiFI).


Thanks for any pointers!



Sky Superfast Broadband
Sky Hub > ASUS RT-AC86U
Sky Q Main box > Sky Q mini hardwired
Sky Q Mini hotspot in Annex

All Replies

This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Sky Q unable to connect to 3rd party Access Point

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I would recommend you ditch the Sky hub completely, use your Asus as the full router, connect the main Sky Q box to that via WiFi, or ethernet if possible and then connect the mini box via ethernet also. 

I am NOT a Sky Employee
Myself & Others offer our time to help others, please be respectful.
Topic Author
This message was authored by DannyPBlack This message was authored by: DannyPBlack

Re: Sky Q unable to connect to 3rd party Access Point

@jamesn123 wrote:


I would recommend you ditch the Sky hub completely, use your Asus as the full router, connect the main Sky Q box to that via WiFi, or ethernet if possible and then connect the mini box via ethernet also. 

Thanks for the reply.

I would love to ditch the Hub altogether however my own router isn't close to the phone line, I have it strategically positioned at the top of the stairs so it provides excellent wireless coverage across the whole house - the Q boxes just provide a backup on the 2.4GHz band for smart plugs and stuff.

I have now managed to fix it using powerlines. One powerline behind the Sky Hub and one behind my main Q box with a splitter switch coming out of the powerline to take one Ethernet to the main Q and another to the Mini. They're connected to each other now but via the Router, not directly. The Hub WiFi is now off, as I wanted, and everything works perfectly - better, even, as I don't have the Hub WiFi conflicting with my own network.

Should now be easy for me to switch out the Sky Hub for another provider, which I have just signed up for! Brsk is being installed on 2nd January and I can't wait.


Sky Superfast Broadband
Sky Hub > ASUS RT-AC86U
Sky Q Main box > Sky Q mini hardwired
Sky Q Mini hotspot in Annex

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