Discussion topic: Since I renewed my contract last month, the WIFI is terrible

This message was authored by Niknak448 This message was authored by: Niknak448

Since I renewed my contract last month, the WIFI is terrible

Recently renewed my contract, just a=over a month ago. Exactly the same products, no change at all, however, since renewing, I cannot access WIFI on my phone anywhere in the house apart from one room.  My daughter is having the same problem, she cannot get a signal on her phone and cannot do any college work as her laptop will not connect. I have tried checking the signals, all fine. I have tried turning the router on and off, no difference. May I stress we didn't have this problem before the renewal date, seems strange that now I've renewed my contract, I can't actually access what I'm paying an extortionate monthly fee for. Tried calling Sky, impossible to get through anywhere and then only to a call centre in another country, with an operator that can't understand a word I'm saying. very frustratin, surely this is breach of contract if I can't actually what I'm paying for?


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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Since I renewed my contract last month, the WIFI is terrible

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Its not breach of contract if you havent actually engaged with Sky and given them appropriate time to resolve the problem whatever it may be.


Did you have any change of hardware as a result of the new contract? E.g. router or TV units?

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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