Discussion topic: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE

This message was authored by MikeTDuffy This message was authored by: MikeTDuffy

SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE


Ever since being "upgraded" to full fibre to premesis I can eith have VOIP or HIVE not both!  So about four days after the upgrade my VOIP light came on on the SKY router and the phone stops working.

Mutiple calls to SKY have yet to fix the issue and in fact have only added to my frustration!


I can recreate the issue quite easily


1. Unplug the Hive hub

2. Factory reset the router

3. Wait while the router comes up. All good messages in the router syslog and all green lights on amd phone works

4. Plug in the Hive and usually within 20 minutes the VOIP light changes to orange and the phone stops working


In the syslog there appear DNS look up errors like these


Failed to retrieve firmware image details from XCONF - Could not resolve host: xconf.xdp.eu-1.xcal.tv(6)

TR69: Connect to Production ACS
TR69: Connect to ACS Failed: Could not resolve host


The router sends out NTP requests and gets no response,.


I have had 2 replacement routers, 4 OpenReach engineer visits, a replacement OTP, new ethernet cables and replaced the Hive hub with the latest one all to no avail 😞


Weirdly this issue is causing my Q TV box to fail to get an internet connection, although it does connect to the router.


Has anyone else ever seen this?  If so did you ever get a fix as Sky are now just ignoring me and fail every time to call back even when they promise to (5 times so far)


Any help would be appreciated.



All Replies

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MikeTDuffy I have a Hive system that works alongside Sky's digital voice over full fibre for the last few 2 years on both the Hub 4 (SR203) the black upright hub and the newer white Hub 6 (SR213) without issue. While the forum gets issues with Hive hubs having trouble connecting never heard of this issue. The amber voice light is an issue that gets reported but a recent firmware release forvthe Hub 4 is supposed to have sorted this to a large degree. Can you post the model hub you have and the firmware it is running please?


What else do you have on your network especially switches or extenders? Not saying you dont have an issue but it doesnt appear to be an something that affects other customers.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
Topic Author
This message was authored by MikeTDuffy This message was authored by: MikeTDuffy

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE


Thanks for the quick response, here are the details you requested;


Firmware Version7.04.0004.R
DSL Firmware VersionA2pvfbH043p1.d26u
Funnily enough since going fibre to prem i have removed a switch as the only thing hardwired into the router now is the Hive. When the sky engineer was installing the to prem fibre I changed the TV and Q over to wireless and it all worked fine until this issue started.
I did check online and you are right, I appear to be the only person this is happening to :(. (Removed)
Thanks again

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Topic Author
This message was authored by MikeTDuffy This message was authored by: MikeTDuffy

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE



Not sure if my response was submitted as I cannot see it


Details as requested

Manufacturer    Sky
Model     SR203
Firmware Version     7.04.0004.R
DSL Firmware Version    A2pvfbH043p1.d26u


No switches no and the hive is the only wired connection into the router




This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MikeTDuffy I have checked with a Sky contact who confirms with mecthat you are on the correct firmware which includes an update to improve the digital voice line stability. He also confirms they know of no conflict with Hive which incidentally he had himself   So sorry its a mystery unless any if the knowlegable forum members has any ideas. 

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
Topic Author
This message was authored by MikeTDuffy This message was authored by: MikeTDuffy

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE



Thanks for checking. 


Today I did a little more investigating, factory reset the router, unplugged hiv and power cycled the lot. 

Router online (no hive plugged in) and within 20 minutes the VOIP light came on!


Nothing to do with hive! Called sky and they now think it's a config issue at the Exchange, they really are full of it. The call has been escalated to openreach who need to "check the port at the exchange"


I won't hold my breath.


Thanks again.

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MikeTDuffy As you are talking to the guys who do know how the systems work I would leave it to them. It clearly isnt right but exactly what is wrong is pretty obscure. The digital voice service is not documented so exactly how it works is not in the public domain each ISP have their own systems.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
Topic Author
This message was authored by MikeTDuffy This message was authored by: MikeTDuffy

Re: SKY Full Fibre Broadband VOIP Does not work with HIVE

Today is 28th Jan 2025 and still this problem is ongoing!

Sky are completely unwilling to engage and just delay delay delay




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