Discussion topic: Missing promised new router to enjoy benefits of faster broadband speed ( It's the G that I need!)

This message was authored by Abigfat0 This message was authored by: Abigfat0

Missing promised new router to enjoy benefits of faster broadband speed ( It's the G that I need!)

I was persuaded to upgrade to Ultrafast One, which requires a new router to be sent in advance of the BTOpenreach engineer's visit, this took place on Nov 20th, this never happened.Subsequently my twice weekly calls did not garner any success. I am still waiting for the correct router to be delivered.

BTW I am now a wizard at uploading photos on Sky's app to show wiring, ports and even model numbers, though this has not generated any meaningful progress.

So, all to no avail.

Despite untold calls, promises from varied and numerous staff, including a visit by a SKY engineer on DEC 9th I am still without the correct piece of kit,  Oh, my phone service was down for a fortnight too as a consequence of the botched job.

Do you think I have been patient enough?

Is this the usual standard of service for VIP customers?

Is it beyond the wit of  staff employed at Sky to successfully coordinate this task?

Any suggestions to penetrate the labyrinth call system, AI chat bots, being routed overseas, please feel free to jump in before I, in turn, jump off the nearest cliff, consumed with despair and disbelief at such appalingly dreadful treatment .

I do, however, retain a smidge of hope that my lovely wife does not have to cite Sky during the eulogy,shoud I succumb to inertia and early onset with all this delay.

Please pray for us both

Or instead, kindly send us a cheat code, email address, named person/ department, phone number for us to escalate to