Discussion topic: Migration to full fibre nightmare

This message was authored by Jos+Mares This message was authored by: Jos+Mares

Migration to full fibre nightmare



i am aware that this forum is not monitored by sky, but would like to have chat with some one at sky past level 1 support.



I arranged for sky to migrate my copper based broadband and phone (Sky talk anytime) to full fibre 1 Gbs  

1. Engineer never showed up to install the ont

2. filed complaint and was told an error was made and an engineer visit had not been scheduled. This was then rescheduled for beginning of October 

3. Ont was installed with new hub and fibre was working. Received several messages that my phone was going to be activated 

4. phone (voip) was not working called support. The noticed that my copper broadband and phone had not been terminated ( which should have happened as part of the migration).

I was told that the needed to terminate the copper line before porting the number to sky voip

5. called sky yesterday to follow up on this.

was told that I needed to order sky talk anytime. Not sure why I needed to do this as it was part of the migration surrly

6. talk anytime ordered via sky person

7. after ending the call received an sms saying there was a problem with the order and I needed to call

8. called sky talk support and several attempts where made to set this up, all failed. was advised to call back today

9. after this call my broadband stopped working, no wan connection, reset hub several times internet light is amber on hum

lan light on ont flashing

pon and power are both on and loss is off


on top of this I noticed that I was being charged 70 euro's for broadband instead of 45 euro's as per migration offer.


so currently

more than 6 weeks without working phone

second day of no internet without any explanation other than this might be resolved later today. Was told yesterday that this would be resolved this morning 


fed up with sky support as most agents don't read the full set of notes on the account and having to explain the issue every time is getting annoying .

Need a contact beyond level 1 support 




All Replies

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Migration to full fibre nightmare

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Jos+Mares  The community can't provide any direct number to departments as we simply don't have one, you use the general number alread used.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jos+Mares This message was authored by: Jos+Mares

Re: Migration to full fibre nightmare


I am aware, but in the past moderators here setup a chat with someone else at sky. 
was hoping that this could also be done for my issue


This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123

Re: Migration to full fibre nightmare

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I've escalated your post to Sky chat, look out for a message on the forum

I am NOT a Sky Employee
Myself & Others offer our time to help others, please be respectful.
Topic Author
This message was authored by Jos+Mares This message was authored by: Jos+Mares

Re: Migration to full fibre nightmare

Thanks much appreciated


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