Discussion topic: IPv6 in Ireland

This message was authored by leopoldine04 This message was authored by: leopoldine04

IPv6 in Ireland

I saw from https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Broadband/IPV6-not-available-via-SKY-Hub-gigabit-fiber/m-p/4440212#M358... that IPv6 was due to be supported in "early 2024". Does anyone know of the current status of this? I have a VPN that I really only use as an IPv6 tunnel that I'd like to get rid of.

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This message was authored by SKYQwSKYfiber This message was authored by: SKYQwSKYfiber Answer

Re: IPv6 in Ireland

I now have IPv6 on SKY Broadband in Ireland 🍾

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This message was authored by SKYQwSKYfiber This message was authored by: SKYQwSKYfiber

Re: IPv6 in Ireland

I was chatting to SKY today on the phone and agent told me they had not heard of any plans to introduce it. In a seperate private message with a SKY employee earlier this year I was told its actualy the "last mile provider" who is responsible for enabling IPV6, so safe to say nobody seems to know whats going on .... 

This message was authored by SKYQwSKYfiber This message was authored by: SKYQwSKYfiber Answer

Re: IPv6 in Ireland

I now have IPv6 on SKY Broadband in Ireland 🍾

Topic Author
This message was authored by leopoldine04 This message was authored by: leopoldine04

Re: IPv6 in Ireland

Thanks, that's good to know. I rebooted my modem/router just now and still only got an IPv4 address, but I'd guess that's because they're migrating exchanges a few at a time.

This message was authored by Sheshe11 This message was authored by: Sheshe11

Re: IPv6 in Ireland

Yep, mine just spat out a /64 so it does look like things are on the up


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