Discussion topic: 🐇Gigafast to 🐌 Gigaslow‽ 🙁

This message was authored by Zangl This message was authored by: Zangl

🐇Gigafast to 🐌 Gigaslow‽ 🙁

Hi everyone,


I live in a small village out on the Norfolk coast and we've just had all the area upgraded to support fiber to the pole so I jumped straight in with full 900mb gigafast, I wfh in software dev so I need a stable connection and decent speed.


I plumped for the max becuase I thought why not‽, at installation speeds were ~7-900mb over direct and similar over WiFi as I have a new net gear 6E mesh.


Now that lasted about a day and several days later after testing the connection everyday it doesn't get above 100mb 🙁😢


The blurb says the first two weeks the test the connection and there could be variations in speed and drop outs even but is 1/10 speed constantly expected?


Should I call sky back in I'm wondering even to bother until the two weeks on "testing" 🙄 is up?


Any thoughts much appreciated 👍🏻👊🏻 🤗