Discussion topic: Broadband very slow

This message was authored by Mrs+SLP This message was authored by: Mrs+SLP

Broadband very slow

Over the last few weeks I have noticed a massive difference with our broadband service. It is intermittently slow multiple times. This is effecting the sky glass steaming (we have cat 6 so the TV's are connected directly to WiFi). Also using WiFi on our mobile phones is super slow. It is just not anywhere near the same service we normally get. This has been going on for weeks now. 


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This message was authored by Crosby69 This message was authored by: Crosby69

Re: Broadband very slow

We have exactly the same issue - very slow broadband. It would be helpful if an engineer could run some diagnostics. 

This message was authored by Herman15 This message was authored by: Herman15

Re: Broadband very slow

Experiencing buffering on Now and Netflix apps in the last hour. My sky app says all is well, yet speed test on Internet sites say a different story.

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