Discussion topic: Broadband not working using WAN port

This message was authored by UKB2998 This message was authored by: UKB2998

Broadband not working using WAN port

Hi my fibre is connected on port 4 however on the modem it doesn't show the Internet light and the voice is orange. I've moved it to port 3 and it works but I find the speed questionable. I've done all the usual disconnecting/reconnecting, resetting equipment. Sky never answer any messages but will take my money every month. Has anyone any advise?


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This message was authored by JimM1 This message was authored by: JimM1

Re: Broadband not working using WAN port

@UKB2998 Sky use port 4 as advice regarding this as the wan port, but it seems any port works from previous posts others have done and you have found out by moving, sounds like you may have an ethernet port4 issue on your router.

Why do you think there is an issue regarding speed all ports a GB compatable?


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