Discussion topic: Broadband keeps dropping

This message was authored by colin56 This message was authored by: colin56

Broadband keeps dropping

My ring doorbell is constantly dropping my doorbell off line I was previously with virgin fibre with no problems my sky speed via by is around 28 mbgs no problems with anything else if this persists I will have to ditch the ring doorbell things done so far is factory reset the router downloaded new ring app this happens every couple of weeks is there any help out there 


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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Broadband keeps dropping

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@colin56  Does your ring doorbell have a good signal to the router or is it weak?

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This message was authored by colin56 This message was authored by: colin56

Re: Broadband keeps dropping

Hi thanks for the reply sometime do the ring doorbell had a yellow signal but most of the time its green when I look at the live picture on many occasions the app says offline but it does reconnect it's self most of the time 


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