Discussion topic: Broadband issues even with FTTP

This message was authored by Hedgehog_Home This message was authored by: Hedgehog_Home

Broadband issues even with FTTP

Hello, For the past few months my broadband speed has been stuck at 60mbs even though my minimum guaranteed speed is 100mbs. I haven't minded as the speed was being limited by the old Fibre to the Cabinet wires. However a few weeks okay a massive openreach team were in my neighborhood and have converted the area to FTTP. I can confirm this by checking both the openreach website, and also all suppliers websites. Some suppliers are now able to offer me up to 1.6gbs download. My issue is that I am still not even recieving my minimum guaranteed speed of 100mbs. Is it common for there to be a delay in recieving the FTTP speed benefits or do you believe I am experiencing an issue? Thank you