Discussion topic: Sky Q WiFi Extender Feature

This message was authored by ldoodle This message was authored by: ldoodle

Sky Q WiFi Extender Feature



I'm not sure if this it the right place so please move if not.


I have Sky Q with a Sky Mini. My own WiFi kit presents 3 SSIDs - 2.4GHz, 5GHz Low, 5GHz High and I have them all set with the same SSID. My kit has as "Neighbour AP" monitoring function and I am seeing 2 additional networks with the same SSID, but with totally different MAC addresses compared to my WiFi kit.


I cannot work out if these are neighbouring APs maliciously using my SSID or if it's the Sky Q box presenting the same SSID. I also have a Ring Chime Pro which acts as an Extender but I understand this is purely for other Ring devices and cannot be used by other non-Ring devices.


However I don't know if the SSID is still presented to 'pro' class WiFi kit, from either the Sky Q box or Ring Chime Pro.

