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13 Jan 2022 02:30 PM
Where do i start...
I have had Sky Q for a few years now. In the last month or so I have seen a dramatic increase in sky Q disconnecting from my network, which then leads to the mini boxes disconnecting from the main sky Q box. (mini boxes still show the connection as all ok, just the connection to the Q has disconnected)
All other devices i own do not disconnect and work normally but the main box says no network connection. i perform a reset and its back, yet drops again soon after(sometimes it will go a day or 2 without the need to reset)
I have also tried an ethernet connection which Sky Q picks up on for all of 2 minutes but then just goes back to the wifi(which then loses connection) Yes i have gone into engineer settings, turned the wifi off on the sky box and set up an ethernet connection, but after a couple of minutes it goes back to he wifi network...
Again, all other devices on wifi work and have never cut out.
Has anyone had a similar issue? Losing my mind over this.
Sky came in yesterday and replaced what they said was a faulty ethernet cable...2 minutes after he left the sky box jumps on the wifi again and forgets about the ethernet.
Has anyone had similar problems to me? Hasn't been a problem for years and now all of a sudden it's a real big issue. Has a decent software update messed up my connection? Why does the main sky box lose wifi connection when the mini's don't drop out at all. Why does my ethernet feed last 2 minutes before jumping onto the wifi?
The main skybox is 12ft away from my wireless router, All other devices much further away than 12ft don't cut out, so why does my sky box do it?!
Thanks in advance!
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14 Jan 2022 11:55 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi there, I will escalate this to our community chat for you. Please look out for an email or chat bubble. We look forward to speaking to you.
14 Jan 2022 12:20 PM
Did this get resolved?
I have exactly the same issue
14 Jan 2022 04:36 PM
Nothing has been resolved as of yet.
I'm losing my mind over the issue though.
Got another engineer coming out next weekend as that's the first slot they had and i need to pay for them to come and take a look. Unfortunately, i know nothing will be resolved from their visit as I've already had one guy over this week to say he'd fixed it. I told him what he had done won't fix the problem.
I asked him why does it lose wifi connection when my iphone/playstation etc don't lose connection at all, it's only the main sky box that does! Even my mini boxes don't lose their wifi, they just lose the connection to the main sky Q box because it's lost the wifi. he said it could be the distance from the router(again 12ft away max)
And why does it accept my ethernet feed for 2 minutes then revert back to wifi?! he said it's a dodgy cable so replaced it. I told him, unfortunately, it will jump back onto the wifi again as I've replaced the ethernet in the past but he wasn't having it and left as it was working(yes it works now but will stop working when you're gone)
16 Jan 2022 05:00 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeUpdate – Thanks for chatting to us. Unfortunately there was no response in 48 hours, we are still waiting to help you. If you need our support let us know and we can re-escalate to our chat team. Your chat has been closed now. Thanks
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