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09 Nov 2021 01:59 PM
@Neil848 You don't need to login to an app to add something to your Playlist. You can add programs from the EPG but playback can be through apps
09 Nov 2021 06:18 PM
Pretty comprehensive ! I guess the thing Ive noticed and Ive only had it one day is...
1. It would be good to have profiles in for play lists- 5 in our house with 3 kids !
2. If I add content from a sky Chanel like stricke back for example it lists every series and remembers the last one Ive watched...
3. Sadly if it add every episode of my favourite soap on ITV HUB i have to faff about scrolling across every episode to one I want to watch and then it never remembers where I'm up to so have to repeat the whole scroll thing every time I go in....
4. On Disney plus pretty much the same it doesn't remember which series / episode Ive just watched...
5. Removal from playlist seems a bit ramdon - some content will let you remove the link other like films wont...
6. content that was previsoluty recorded from say ITV3 on sky Q is better quality and experience that watching on ITV hub - I get it doesn't give the choice when you add to playlist - just defaults to the HUB / APP when the content is!
So niggles !
09 Nov 2021 06:25 PM
Afraid you'll find more. This is a great idea but it is not TV. More like a monitor with sound bar. There is no connection for headphones or usb stick.
If only they had a sky q box that does not require a dish life would be wonderful.
Very disappointed and at the moment it is not going to be here much longer.
09 Nov 2021 07:53 PM
Yeah removing from the playlist is confusing, I still haven't managed to quite work it out.
I can see enough reasons (well niggles) why 50% of me wants to return it and return to my tried and trusted Sky Q.
But the other half tells me, this is how I have always watched Netflix, Prime, Disney and all other streaming platforms. I have never recorded anything locally (unless it was on my mobile device). So why am I finding it hard to accept Sky Glass? Perhaps you this really is the 'future' , if so, I'm getting a bit of a head start.
Of course, Sky could have done a lot of things differently and save a lot of headaches. In time more channels will join Sky Glass so the number or available channels will increase.
I'm talking myself into keeping it, at least for the 31 day trial period. After that 31 days, as it's a a rolling contract I can always cancel and still go back to Sky Q, albeit with a flashy newTV .
09 Nov 2021 08:30 PM
Yeah i wont be returning it....its just different to q - i watch a fair bit on Netflix Disney / prime etc - i just wouldn't choose to watch stuff on itv / bbc /channel 4 etc through the hub....I'd always record or watch on sky q channels.....i guess its a one size fits all some niggles will be a deal breaker for some. I didn't find the move to sky q without a few functionality niggles !...I don't care too much about most of the channels not on glass...BT PPV is probably the only one....but my neighbour who is very religious, addicted to shopping and al jazera news is sending his back!!!
18 Nov 2021 03:45 PM
Having horrendous issues with the playlist. If I accidentally watch 20 seconds of a programme I have no intention of adding, it gets added to the playlist automatically, but not one episode, but all ten series!
There is then no remove option, only add. But I don't want to add, because it's been automatically added!
Meanwhile I've now got hundreds of programmes in the playlist and I can't delete any of them.
This needs to be fixed and soon.
18 Nov 2021 04:16 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@rmedmunds1972 Yes, the only way iv found to remove is go to the most recent (last listed) episode and fast forward all way to end and it does then drop off, not ideal but its a workaround at least.
I have spent most of the afternoon doing this to multiple programmes simply to get rid of them, my OCD is flaring up big time!
SKY, give us a remove or something to get rid.
18 Nov 2021 04:28 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreIf I watch something live on channel 4 and then the next day it becomes available on all4 why is it showing in play now, surely as Iv watched it the system should realise this and not suggest the same episode?
18 Nov 2021 06:09 PM
The CH4 / All4 is a mystery. Last week I missed Gogglebox at 2100. It would not show up on the playlist not even a couple of days later. However if I went directly to the All4 app on my phone or via my other TV (Panasonic) - lo and behold the episode was as there. Back to Sky Glass ansls still wasn't. I'm not sure why this is or when it will change.
Sure I'm a tad frustrated by the experience to date, as it has been anything but smooth, however, I am still keeping it (for my sins!)...
18 Nov 2021 06:17 PM
I have stuff appearing in my play now rail but when I select it there is no option to play or see previous episodes?
18 Nov 2021 06:59 PM
Thanks for the tip. Going to the last episode and fast forwarding to the end is the only way to get rid of items in the playlist, however it doesn't work for anything on itv player.
28 Nov 2021 11:45 AM
Last night I added Apocalypse Now on BBC1 to my playlist and today it's not there.
28 Nov 2021 12:00 PM - last edited: 28 Nov 2021 12:15 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@AJM1972 wrote:Last night I added Apocalypse Now on BBC1 to my playlist and today it's not there.
28 Nov 2021 04:26 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreso many glitches on playlist at the moment. I'm getting episodes show as planned now but they have been watched, this needs to be made a priority by sky as my play now rail is flooded by episodes Iv watched. Iv tried fast forwarding episodes to the end which clears them but suddenly they appear again. Playlist needs some work.
03 Dec 2021 11:09 PM
Had I know how poor the playlist feature would be I'd have stuck with Sky Q. Sure some of the problems are bugs that will get sorted in time, but fundamentally I don't think it's ever going to be as good as recordings. Recently I finally decided to bite the bullet and return my Sky Glass and now that I'm back on Sky Q I'm so glad I did. Credit to Sky for the easy returns process.
Will be interesting to keep tabs on how it performs as it will become the norm in time. I just don't want to be the guinea pig that it's tested out on.
Just hoping Sky release a UHD version of the minis now.
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