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03 Jun 2021 11:54 AM
Rejoined. Engineer hooked up boxes 31/5. Checking mail box everyday for viewing card. Phoned sky and advised card not sent. Will take 10 working days to arrive. Paying for it since 24/5.. 6 in the family facing bank holiday weekend and no tv as we cancelled eir when we enjoined sky. Not happy and very disappointed that sky do not have the capacity to fix such a minor issue sooner??? Why not post one out by registered post or send an engineer over... especially when the problem is with sky not me!!!!!😡😡😡😡
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03 Jun 2021 11:58 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@bramley2 Best option to to call Sky to get a new card sent.
03 Jun 2021 12:22 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@bramley2 I'm surprised the engineer set up your system and then left you without a viewing card. The cards normally arrive in the post prior to installation and even so, the engineers usually carry spares.
03 Jun 2021 12:55 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreI could be wrong but I think you will not start paying until the day your viewing card gets activated
03 Jun 2021 05:02 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeYou only get charged once you are activated. In the mean time you could make use of the pre activation Sky Go which allows you access to all the channels on Sky.
04 Jun 2021 09:30 AM
Hi Lisa I think you missed my point. I want to watch tv on a television... waiting on a sky card since 2 weeks ago???? It's not me that's the problems it's sky????
04 Jun 2021 09:32 AM
Also Lisa I am paying for it and have to claim credit back. This was confirmed by sky yesterday
04 Jun 2021 10:51 AM
engineer said he had none.
04 Jun 2021 01:39 PM - last edited: 04 Jun 2021 01:40 PM
Posted by a Sky employeeI am understanding the point you are making, but I was merely suggesting ways for you to use your services whilst you did not have the card.
I cannot answer for why something was not done so there is no point in me trying to.
I am sorry that you are in this position but like I said, we try to make that transition period easier with those additional services we offer to you.
In terms of the payment, if this is a new installation and activation after being completely cancelled, then you won't be charged till the card is activated. IF however this is a reinstate of an old account, that is a different situation and we would have expected that you had kept the card. If that's the case,
we would be looking at crediting back the cost of the services during this time where you are not able to use them.
04 Jun 2021 08:18 PM
Lisa. My point is, I have 4 kids and three televisions with no service for a bank holiday weekend. I cancelled sky a year ago and returned all equipment including the viewing card 12 months ago. We rejoined 2 weeks ago and the engineer arrived with the equipment a week ago and we can't watch it because of the incompetence of sky. No viewing card = no tv in my house. The company should have asked these questions on us rejoining a. Do you have a viewing card? Answer no. Or b. Do you need a sky viewing card? Yes. A box should have been ticked on your computer system on the day we rejoined, send customer a viewing card. My point Lisa is, this is not my fault, it's your customer service that is the problem. If I was happy with the service or felt it my fault, do you think I would be on this forum complaining. The company should have sent me a viewing card by registered post when I complained on Thursday instead of being told I get one in mid June. the problem is with your customer service team for not taking the order properly. In my opinion, the sales people rush the orders and don't pay enough attention to happy outcomes for the customer. I'm not done, I want this highlighted and quite frankly, I don't particularly like your attitude on behalf of sky to my complaint.
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