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21 Dec 2021 11:49 AM
Good morning, I renewed my Sky TV contract in conjunction with the Nectar Partner offer whereby I would be awarded 10,000 via Nectar (through yourselves) for renewing. I have been in contact with Nectar for the last 4 months trying to get my points but they keep on advising me that they are awaiting confirmation from yourselves. I have all of the evidence required to obtain my points i.e. contract renewal, copy of the offer etc. can someone help.
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21 Dec 2021 12:04 PM
@SaraW wrote:Good morning, I renewed my Sky TV contract in conjunction with the Nectar Partner offer whereby I would be awarded 10,000 via Nectar (through yourselves) for renewing. I have been in contact with Nectar for the last 4 months trying to get my points but they keep on advising me that they are awaiting confirmation from yourselves. I have all of the evidence required to obtain my points i.e. contract renewal, copy of the offer etc. can someone help.
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