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22 Jan 2020 10:38 AM
This is yet another 'Prime Example' of Big Stick, Little Stick! We, as viewers currently using SkyQ, have the little stick, and even when loads of these little sticks combine their collective efforts to bring about a change they are all in agreement on, those who have the big stick (SkyQ) are prepared to ingore these little sticks with a 'we dont' mind and you don't matter' attitude.
I, for one, will not be rewewing my SkyQ contract returning to Sky+HD if possible, if not then I will be transferring my contract to another provider since Sky place so little importance to customer safisfaction and loyalty.
To say I am disappointed would be an understatement, to say the least, and I will not hesitate to take my business elsewhere not that would bother Sky in the least, since I only have a little stick.
22 Jan 2020 05:06 PM - last edited: 24 Jan 2020 11:20 AM by Kei+M
What baffles me is that this is a simple functionality and it doesn't make sense it has been removed. Unless Sky is not telling us the truth here but as customers paying top dollar for the services we need this function and Sky should just sort it. I should be able to be reminded to watch a programme. It appears we are just wasting our time here on this forum. <removed>
moderator note: removed attempts to campaign
23 Jan 2020 06:52 PM
The benefits of offering this feature far outweigh any 'sibling bombing'!
The control of such a feature can always be under parental control as an option. ...... you should never prohibited choice as a result of the actions of a few.....else no progress would ever be made!
23 Jan 2020 07:34 PM - last edited: 23 Jan 2020 08:10 PM
As we only 'upgraded' to Q today our first task was going to be setting up the reminders for the series and sports live programmes we watch.........
This thread shows there is a HUGE need for this feature to be restored.
It is not a difficult software update to roll out.
If it is a statistics issue for viewing figures then add it the same way recordings are .....because we very rarely dismiss a reminder and do ACTUALLY WATCH reminded programmes.
Flash Reminding is a simple software upgrade. Please get it done soon as I really do not want another appointment to remove the Qbox. Thank you.
23 Jan 2020 08:05 PM - last edited: 24 Jan 2020 11:19 AM by Kei+M
<removed> It is so annoying. I keep missing things. Sometimes I notice the red light on. Now I don't even bother recording. I sometimes set a reminder on my phone but what a faff when it was so easy. I'll be down grading very soon unless they just add the pop up reminder!!
moderator note: removed attempts to campaign
24 Jan 2020 02:37 PM
How irritating, just had Sky Q installed and tried setting reminders only to see it isn't available. Why ever not. Why would I want to record everything when I can just watch it live. Bring it to Sky Q please.
25 Jan 2020 05:07 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Kei+M"We look at all the ideas but these things take time; months, years, and some will inevitably fail to materialise at all. When we have more details about the status of an idea we'll let people know but I'm afraid there's not a big green button I can press that instantly implements an idea (as much I would love one.....)."
Whilst I understand that many things take a lot of time, I would think that it would not take that long to decide if something is going to be implemented or not. If yes then we wait patiently or not but if no we can shut up and think about something else.
30 Jan 2020 08:33 AM
Hello All I think you will find that like All things regarding options & changes the reminder
option will only be added if Sky believe it's in their own interests to add this option if not
it will be quietly forgotten they are past Masters at only implementing items that will benefit
them with increased revenue & increase Customer Base Figures.
My own contract expires in April & although I think SkyQ is a Very Good System (2Tb Box + mini)
I believe the Xmas Season Offerings from All Broadcasters was So Poor plus the constant repeats
with the same shows shown on different channels every week is making Our Household wonder
if We want to renew our contract for another 18 months.
Just a Thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,🔒
30 Jan 2020 06:48 PM
This is something used a lot and miss hugely, never thought would have to use note pad again for tv programs.
31 Jan 2020 08:14 PM
The reminder function is brilliant for when you want to watch a live show, E. G. Sport. Bring back the Reminder function PLEASE!!
01 Feb 2020 09:55 AM
Yes, totally agree! I miss my reminders. I don't always record things I tend to watch them
01 Feb 2020 11:54 AM
Hello All I think you can quietly put the request to add the reminder function to bed
Because Sky are not interested in adding this function to SkyQ now or in the future
You can tell that by the answers that pop up from Sky representatives.
It's a shame but that is how large company's operate the voice of customers very rarely
Matters unless there is enough of them to make an impact on revenue stream Sky has
Millions of customers that never query or complain So while forums like this one are great
For ideas & information unless Sky believe it's in there interests it is quietly forgotten
Sorry but that appears the way it works...............🤔 !!!!!!
Just a Thought .............🎈
02 Feb 2020 09:53 AM
Bring back the reminder. I dont want to record everything i watch but do want to be reminded its on if i am watching something else.. without the reminder i will have to constantly delete programs that other members of the family wanted to watch but not really recod.
Its ridiculous to remove reminders.. however, dont use that as an excuse to reduce the number we can record.
04 Feb 2020 08:41 AM
Sky have postponed the release of HDR due to some unknown issues, I heard that it was down to the lack of subscriptions for Sky Q
Dear Sky.. you do have the oppertunity to have a brilliant setup with SkyQ, you own stupid dumb arrogance is the only thing stopping customers being happy.
I would suggest you spend 2 days with the Sky HD box, realise how easy the remote is to hold, realie how you can set reminders, realise when you hit viewing menu it show programs that start from the channel you are watching.
Now go to Sky Q.
Yes its great that no cables are need for the other boxes.
Then , when you arthritis is playing up, try and hold the slippy , to small and not well designed remote, record the live sport you want ot watch then miss the game and never watch the recording, try and see off the menu if the program you really want to watch has started on the other channel, it will take a stupid ammount of button pressing just to get to the channel.
Come on SKy... we are the customers..
Put the SkyHD menu and features on the sky Q box.. you have a brialliant platform... untill then suffer endless moaning from users
06 Feb 2020 02:06 AM
I would like to see remi ders on sky Q. I dont want to record everything I want to watch but like to be reminded that it's coming on. It's too much mes
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