Discussion topic: Warning: Sky Outgoing Caller lying to get sales?

This message was authored by BrigadierA This message was authored by: BrigadierA

Warning: Sky Outgoing Caller lying to get sales?

Note: I have raised a complaint about this already with Sky, but it's just going to the caller's manager.


Just wanted to warn others. I received a call from someone from Sky today. They said they wanted to reduce my bill. They said they could reduce it from £81.50 to £80.00 and include Sky Sports for free for 24 months. I was sure I wasn't paying that much for Sky and logged into my account. This confirmed that I was paying much less than £81.50 and I had never heard of Sky giving Sky Sports for free for that long! I questioned him and they just put the phone down on me. I called Sky Customer Service and they could see there had been a call to me (so doesn't seem to have been a scammer), but this seems to be someone trying to con people into getting more expensive packages with Sky Sports included. I raised a omplaint with Sky, but was told it will only go to his manager. If it had been someone old or vulnerable they could have easily have fallen for this.


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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Warning: Sky Outgoing Caller lying to get sales?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Always sensible to be cautious. There are numerous reports of calls that are not from Sky offering discounts etc. Be wary of giving personal information requested by the caller in order to identify you. If they don't seek to verify your identity, it's definitely not Sky calling you,


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