09 Aug 2024 03:24 PM
Apart from a short break for 12-18 months, I have been a Sky customer for probably close to 30 years - this (~20 years / break / ~7 years).
From a viewing & technical perspective, I've never really had any issues, and have gone through many iterations of the platform, Sky, Sky+, Sky HD and currently on Sky Q with several mini box's. I have all the channels (including Sports and TNT etc), except the Kids.
Until recently moving house, whilst I did have Sky Broadband - in the area where I lived, the entry level speed was my only option - which as it turned out, they couldn't even deliver that due to Open Reach – so I ended up paying very little for it – just enough to cover the landline. This didn’t bother me, as I had 1Gb fibre from Virgin.
Having recently moved house, to an area where Virgin have no coverage, I am back down the Sky/Open Reach route – which is fine as this time, I was able to get the advertised speeds but still at the lower rate that I was paying before the move.
However, as the village I now live in has just now received fibre, so I can now get FTTP and take advantage of the 900mb package that Sky offer.
With this in mind, plus the fact I am now out of contact – I contact Sky to “negotiate” an upgrade.
I initially called up a few weeks back, and the deals offered where stupid – to the point, I would be paying more to recontract (without the BB upgrade), so didn’t bother.
Given I spend a lot of time behind my computer, a few days ago, I chose to use the online chat to try again. This time I was able to get somewhere, so the same TV packages with the 900mb BB for a few pound LESS than I am currently paying.
I decided to proceed, but as I presume, I was speaking to an Indian call centre – the agent would disappear for “scheduled breaks”, so this was painful.
We then got to a point where the agent wasn’t able to complete the transaction from a “Technical Issue”, and that I would need to call up and speak to someone. At this point (5 hours later) I was beyond frustrated with the constat scheduled breaks, that I said forget it – I will cancel and go elsewhere.
I was already armed with competitive deals from EE & Vodaphone – who which the agent then proceeded to suggest that I would have those provider’s – which I thought was very unprofessional and frustrated me even more – so I pushed even more to leave Sky.
The agent seems reluctant to do this, and the “disappeared” again and the chat conveniently timed out and crashed.
At this point, I called up. I spoke to a nice Scottish bloke who was very helpful and calmed me down. He couldn’t match that deal on his system, nor could he see the notes left by the online agent (but could see I’d been in contact).
Whist talking to him, I did manage to reopen the chat (just be re-signing in) and he suggested I go back onto the chat and ask them to make their notes available and he (or another agent) could then action that deal.
So, back onto the chat etc, and they have supposably made the notes available. This second online agent was a little more helpful and tried a few move times to process the upgrade – but without success.
betwwen several “scheduled breaks” they advised that it’s a technical issue on their side and that neither the online team or the call centre would have been able to complete the upgrade and that a “CRF” would need to be created for the technical issue to be resolved first, which would take up to 48hrs to be actioned – and duly created the CRF.
Reluctantly I waited the 48 hours, went back in the online chat, repeated everything – only to be told it would be 7-8 working days. Mad as hell, I went back down the cancel and leave sky route (nothing is worth this hassle). Started the conversation, but then again – the agent disappeared.
This is where I am currently at.
I don’t really want to leave Sky, but when paying a premium, and being a long-term customer – I would expect something better than this. I feel like I have been lied to, by people who probably just want (or need) to reach a quota of some sort and not really providing true customer services.
Any thoughts comment or advise?
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