Discussion topic: Revised bill is still incorrect

This message was authored by Leebrown1182 This message was authored by: Leebrown1182

Revised bill is still incorrect

I have called up sky to get my billing sorted out and have talked to more people than you care to imagine, my bill was supposed to be 84.49 per month, if you go back and look at my correspondence with sky, you will see they keep saying they are going to fix it. I do not want to spend yet another hour on rhe phone, when I really shouldn't have to foe ky bill to be proper. My upcoming bill has apparently been corrected, but is still too much. I want my bill corrected for this month coming and all future bills, without having to call up wasting hours of my time and yours to get this sorted. Please advise me how you are going to fix this people once and for all and I believe due to all this hassle, I should have a gesture of gratuity applied to my account t over and above the Correction that is to be mDw to my account. Please advise.