Discussion topic: Cancel broadband (early?)

This message was authored by Watermelon_cat This message was authored by: Watermelon_cat

Cancel broadband (early?)


We're switching to a new provider now that our current contract ends this month. They (new provider) said they currently cannot cancel Sky (they're switching systems or something like that) and therefore I suppose I have to cancel my current broadband here but I've read that as soon as I cancel, Sky will instantly turn off internet access, is that true or will I still have internet until the contract officially ends on the date?


I also cannot call as I have a non UK SIM and it would cost me too much, is there another option?


All Replies

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Watermelon_cat wrote:

Sky will instantly turn off internet access, is that true or will I still have internet until the contract officially ends on the date?


I'm afraid your contract doesn't end until you give notice.  The One Touch Switch system doesn't appear to be fully operational yet.


If you do not cancel it then it simply continues at full undiscounted list price.


Whilst it should NOT be disconnected during the notice period there are reports of OpenReach performing the task 'early'.


I also cannot call as I have a non UK SIM and it would cost me too much, is there another option?

Then you have a dilemma as you will almost certainly have to speak to them to cancel.


You could try the chat line when available: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/cancel-sky-broadband

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@PandJ2020 wrote:

Whilst it should be disconnected during the notice period there are reports of OpenReach performing the task 'early'.

Probably contextually obvious, but just to be clear, pretty sure @PandJ2020 intended to say "Whilst it should not be disconnected during the notice period there are reports of OpenReach performing the task 'early'."


(And I agree)

Topic Author
This message was authored by Watermelon_cat This message was authored by: Watermelon_cat

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

"early" oh no...


So best would just VM to cancel for us to hopefully provide a seamless switch.


We're both WFH and cannot have no internet :S

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mark39 whoops, fixed... 🙄

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Watermelon_cat wrote:

So best would just VM to cancel for us to hopefully provide a seamless switch.


We're both WFH and cannot have no internet :S

If you must have continuity then the best solution is to run both lines in parallel for a short period.


As noted, VM probably can't cancel your Sky line.  (The new One Touch Switch should but there appears to be delays in this system)


You'll have to contact Sky to cancel their line (after you have moved your usage to VM)

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
Topic Author
This message was authored by Watermelon_cat This message was authored by: Watermelon_cat

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

What a headache 😩

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Watermelon_cat wrote:

What a headache 😩

Indeed - this is what the OTS should resolve...  But it appears to have some teething issues.


But even then there's no guarantee of 'zero downtime'.  Not least as it involves a different router (and client config) and the provisioning/removing of lines to the property.


When I moved to VM the engineer had to go to the local cabinet on the day of install to 'plug me in'.  (Apparently they disconnect lines to reduce noise on the line)

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
This message was authored by martswain This message was authored by: martswain

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

I just moved from TalkTalk (FTTC) to Virgin Media and the OTS worked perfectly.

I did not take my phone number across.


VM changed dates a couple of times and they obviously told TT as they disconnected me 3 days after VM went live.

The final bill from TT has only charged me up until the date VM started their service.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Watermelon_cat This message was authored by: Watermelon_cat

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Do you think it's worth getting in contact again with VM now? 


My contract is ending 23.12 - when should I cancel Sky then? I know it's the holidays in between so I'm just not sure.

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Watermelon_cat wrote:

Do you think it's worth getting in contact again with VM now? 


Your OP said that VM could not cancel your Sky line?  Unless you want VM to try this route I don't know what contacting them would do?


@Watermelon_cat wrote:

My contract is ending 23.12 - when should I cancel Sky then? I know it's the holidays in between so I'm just not sure.

As above, your contract is not ending 23/12 - only your discounts are.  If you absolutely must have continuity and cannot use OTS then I would only give notice to cancel once you're up and running on VM.  It will mean you'll pay a few days of overlapping service.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
Topic Author
This message was authored by Watermelon_cat This message was authored by: Watermelon_cat

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Well someone mentioned they had no problem with OTS so I thought it's worth contacting VM now (we've set up in November)

This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Cancel broadband (early?)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Watermelon_cat wrote:

Well someone mentioned they had no problem with OTS so I thought it's worth contacting VM now (we've set up in November)

Of course, but heed my warning about being completely 'seamless'.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own

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