Discussion topic: View purchase on different sky a box

This message was authored by LollyLoneWolf This message was authored by: LollyLoneWolf

View purchase on different sky a box

Hi everyone , I have purchased a movie and it works fine at my own home on my own sky q box but when we visit family is there a way for me to stream or send it to family members sky Q box for my kids to watch it there to save the family money if I have already purchased the movie and the kids watch it all the time. Seems a shame to have to double purchase something , if they only Sheldom visit , on the sky store app it has the option to send to sky box but that just sends to mine , is there a way to send to another sky Q box ? 

kind regards 


All Replies

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: View purchase on different sky a box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It is not possible to view it via another Sky Q box but if it is a Buy and keep film you can view it on s number of devices from laptops to phones and tablets.


Plus is the TV is a LG one it might have the Sky Store app built into it. If not and you have Chromecast you can use this to watch the purchase back on any TV.

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