Discussion topic: how to find a list of all Sky Atlantic shows

This message was authored by sw17 This message was authored by: sw17

how to find a list of all Sky Atlantic shows

I want to browse all shoes that are available on sky atlantic on my Stream box

Best Answers
This message was authored by AndrewF_UK This message was authored by: AndrewF_UK Answer

Re: how to find a list of all Sky Atlantic shows

I'm not sure that it'll be everything but you could use voice search to say "Sky Atlantic shows". 

Or from Home go to Tv Shows and scroll until you see the "Sky channels", there'll be an icon for "Sky Atlantic". 

Sky Stream customer. Past user of Sky Digital, Sky+, Sky+ HD and Sky Q.

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This message was authored by AndrewF_UK This message was authored by: AndrewF_UK Answer

Re: how to find a list of all Sky Atlantic shows

I'm not sure that it'll be everything but you could use voice search to say "Sky Atlantic shows". 

Or from Home go to Tv Shows and scroll until you see the "Sky channels", there'll be an icon for "Sky Atlantic". 

Sky Stream customer. Past user of Sky Digital, Sky+, Sky+ HD and Sky Q.

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