Discussion topic: Problems voice sync Sky Sports main event UHD

This message was authored by CambridgeTom This message was authored by: CambridgeTom

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Yep, I've taken my setup back to complete barebones with audio on TV speakers, stereo etc and nothing fixes it... Been happening since UHD channel was launched. I initially thought it was an ARC delay but HD channels work fine. It's definitely a transmission issue as it happens on a basic audio TV setup too, but only on UHD.. press select on 402 doesn't fix it. Maybe it's my TV, Sony x900e.. but I doubt it.


I've given up.

This message was authored by MattParfitt This message was authored by: MattParfitt

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Yes the reality of it is that they can't really broadcast live UHD through the bandwidth they are using for it.  Probably needs to be put through 100MB/s, but it think the maximum the Q boxes can do is 30MB/s.

This message was authored by idol+the+bear This message was authored by: idol+the+bear

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

It's broadcast through satellite rather than internet on Q.

This message was authored by MattParfitt This message was authored by: MattParfitt

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Yes but when it gets to the Q box - the box needs to process the information to send it to the TV and it clearly can't process the information quickly enough - that is the bandwidth that I meant, maybe I should have said 

This message was authored by MattParfitt This message was authored by: MattParfitt

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Q box processing speed and the speed that it can get all the information to the TV.

This message was authored by DushmanH This message was authored by: DushmanH

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

The issue seems to be with ultra HD on 402 an after pausing and playing it seems. 401 seems to be fine. Very odd.

Is ultra hd after pressing select on 402 through satellite or is it trying to stream? Asking because  sync is worse on that and there is no channel number like there used to be "86...something" 

This message was authored by Lesterp This message was authored by: Lesterp

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Just to add to the numbers ..... same problem here, Sky Q, Sony TV and soundbar, all linked through eArc - terrible sync problems.

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Same for me but I have an LG TV and Samsung sound bar

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by fred35435 This message was authored by: fred35435

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

This has been happening on all UHD channels since they launched on Sky Q.

The service is terrible and Sky have no intention of fixing it.

The Q boxes are clearly not up to the task and they will never launch an improved box because they want to push everyone to their streaming services.

Its all about winding down the expensive satellite broadcasting costs.

As technology progresses, the quality gets worse.

Just look at how many radio stations are broadcasting in mono on DAB.


This message was authored by AdamJH2017 This message was authored by: AdamJH2017

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Same happening on the Forrest v Utd UHD match now. Not happening on the adverts. Just on the live footage. So definitely sky camera to tv issue. 

This message was authored by McMason This message was authored by: McMason

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Yep same issue for me on the game. Hard to ignore once you see it. Not so much of a problem now the match is on, but seems strange they STILL haven't resolved the problem on UHD sync.

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

All rather frustrating again

It's out of sync on mine as well

Quite clearly an issue on Sky's side to sort


I agree with many of you that Sky are trying to move people away from Q

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by danielburns This message was authored by: danielburns

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Having the same problem. Only noticed it recently but equally coincided with getting a new Samsung tv, so wasn't sure if it was the tv or sky. Based on loads of others having this and on other branded tvs I've ruled out that it is my new tv (thank god). I only noticed in the forest vs Man U game (same as a previous post!) on channel 401. I don't have a sound bar set up, so just have tv audio as as everyone else has said....HD is fine...very strange! Interested to know if there are any 'work arounds' as it is very annoying. I've not tried F1 on the UHD channel yet as was no interviews etc to make it obvious if the problem was apparent but will try later. May also try accessing the UHD via the button on 402 or 403 (whichever the game is on) at half time to see if this also has the lip sync issue.

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

@danielburns It's been an ongoing problem with Sky for a long time. They seem to fix it using a short term plan but never a long term solution

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

I think there is also an issue today that you can't hear the players hitting the ball. Normally you can hear the sound effect


 It's also an issue on TNT sports ultimate that you can't hear the kicking

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )

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