Discussion topic: Problems voice sync Sky Sports main event UHD

This message was authored by Mirfieldbull This message was authored by: Mirfieldbull

Problems voice sync Sky Sports main event UHD


interested if anyone else has the same issue and more importantly how they fixed it.

on sky sports main event uhd, watching sky sports news last night there was a very noticeable voice sync issue. This was apparent both on my surround sound system and the tv speakers. 
adjusting the time delay didn't resolve the issue.

I tuned into other channels and there were no issues. This morning looked at sky sports F1 uhd, no issues. Sky sports news on 409 no issues.

I rebooted Sky box and tv but still problem apparent.

the sound setting is Dolby digital, switch that off and the problem went away, but obviously lose sound quality.

interested if anyone else has noticed the problem ( it started yesterday!) and if they have suggestions how to resolve it.

thanks in advance for responses

Best Answers
This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F Answer

Re: Problems voice sync Sly Sports main event UHD

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Thanks for sharing your recent experience on the Sky Sports Main Event UHD lip sync issues.


If you are still finding this issue is happening I'd like you to give me the following information.


  • Date & Time of the last time you experienced the issue:
  • What was being broadcast when you experienced the issue:
  • TV Make & Model:
  • Are you using TV Speakers or a sound system:
  • If you are using a sound system, what is it's make & model:
  • Go to Settings > Setup > Audio Visual > What is your audio output setting set as:
  • If your audio output setting is set to some form of dolby, does this resolve if you change it to "Normal" does this resolve the lip sync issue:

Marking this as the best answer (for now) just to bring the post to top of the thread for new visitors.



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