Discussion topic: Fast forward not working

This message was authored by Nat23 This message was authored by: Nat23

Fast forward not working

Does anyone find on some shows the fast forward doesn't work. It'll work so far then it doesn't and instead of going forward either goes back to start or just completely turns the show off. 

It's on shows that have only recently ended like last week it was four in a bed I forgot it was on. Turned it on at 5.15 did watch from start at the adverts I tried to skip it just went onto the next show.


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This message was authored by Silverbacksam This message was authored by: Silverbacksam

Re: Fast forward not working

Yep same is happening with mine.  Been happening for about a month or so now ...... very frustrating 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nat23 This message was authored by: Nat23

Re: Fast forward not working

Think I figured it out. As glass uses the catch up. The ep i was watching wasn't on there yet so once it finishes there's nothing for it to pull the ep from until it's on there


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