Discussion topic: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Noticed my screen jumping every so often, timed it at around 5 secs, nonstop, a little jump, almost like lag spike, my aim/reticle/cursor moves by itself, in-game my whole screen jumps for a millisecond. 


Tried everything, testing router, internet, Xboxes, turned off every other device ruling out interference, used 3 separate new gen xboxes to rule out the console itself, tested upstairs on the sky puck, no jumping or lag, so it's the glass TV, it's the only common denominator. Tried wired, WiFi, factory reset the TV, new hdmi cable,  new hdmi port etc, still happens. Everything is up to date & my internet has 0 issues, 0 jitter, low ping


Read another thread on here & the guy said turning off his TV fixes it, so whilst I game I turned off my TV at the plug, turned it back on & it's gone. But when navigating the Xbox menu then going back to the game which I'm left open, it started again. I've tested several games, it's not the games, it's the TV.


Tried playing with ALLM turned off, the jumping stops, BUT the desync is unplayable, it's x100 times worse than before they added ALLM.


Can the tech guys at sky be made aware of this please? This needs fixing, it's making gaming become a real chore & it may be time to find a new TV.


I'm still fine tuning the workaround as I've not played for long to see how long the switching the TV trick lasts. I'll update when possible 



Best Answers
This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F Answer

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Just to update that the issue was successfully replicated recently & support teams are now working to fix.  I'll keep you posted when I know further details on this one. 


As listed by multiple users for a workaround.  Whilst your console remains switched on, restart your TV.  Once the TV is restarted, immediately go to your game. If you from there leave go to a different menu the issue may return.


Thank you for your patience whilst support teams work to resolve this.

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All Replies

This message was authored by Dave1271 This message was authored by: Dave1271

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

I'm having exactly the same issue on ps5. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Thanks Dave, so it's not just Xbox as expected.


There is a little workaround, if you're playing a while. Turn the game on you want to play, then turn off the TV at the wall, then back on, turn TV on & it's gone, until you switch games or turn over, then it's back, until you unplug again.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds



Thanks Dave, so it's not just Xbox as expected.


There is a little workaround, if you're playing a while. Turn the game on you want to play, then turn off the TV at the wall, then back on, turn TV on & it's gone, until you switch games or turn over, then it's back, until you unplug again

This message was authored by DShib This message was authored by: DShib

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds



Thanks for that workaround. Not ideal but it's a temp fix at least. 


I'm the same as you, extensively tested everything I can think of to no avail. 


Hope Sky sort this soon. I'm not sure if your average game player would notice it, so if we can get some traction behind us regarding the same issue, it'll hopefully speed up a fix being released. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

From what I can find out, not sure if you read this on here already, but ALLM needs a 120hz screen to work, but despite sky glass supporting hdmi 2.1 via the ports, the screen is only 60hz, so it does something to smooth out the missing 60hz, & this is the 5 sec screen jump thing I think. Either the Devs who added ALLM didnt know, didn't test, or didn't play a game to notice, but that's the cause I think.




Biggest gripe for me is turning it off is now laggy as hell, like playing on stadia, & simply unusable, whereas before they added this, it was 100% fine with it off, so we are stuck with awful unplayable desync, or screen jumps every 5 seconds. Glad I found the workaround because I game a lot.


I passed this on to sky btw on twitter & the guy said he'd send it to tech to try to replicate so fingers crossed. Need more people complaining about it, but as you said, most might not even notice it.



Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Just reply here every few days to keep it relevant.

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


Welcome to Community & thank you for raising this issue you have all seen regarding ALLM lag spikes & screen jumps. 


I have flagged the few examples here on to the relevant team to look at however would be interested in hearing any other user experiences of the problem! If anyone is able to also provide a video recording or multiple recordings showing the issue in situ along with the experience with ALLM turned off that would be brilliant!



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This message was authored by Dave1271 This message was authored by: Dave1271

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

  • Thanks for your reply. 
  • Should this issue happen again I will try to get some footage for you. 
  • At the moment it is working fine  after unplugging my sky glass for 30 seconds and restarting the TV. 
Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Now put a programme on, or switch games, & it'll start again. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

@Daniel-F hi, firstly thanks for acknowledging, I did pass info to sky help on twitter which was apparently sent to the right people to replicate. 


From what I've worked out & read, the issue is ALL.M requiring a 120hz screen but glass is only 60hz, so it does a smoothing effect (forget the word, sorry) & this is potentially causing the spike. I can't provide video as I've no means to record it & it is a very slight appearance onscreen that may not be picked up well on camera.


I've tested several TVs, 3 new gen Xboxes, diff hdmis, diff ports, reset & factory reset things, removed all interference, diff TVs on the same network & it's 100% an issue with glass & ALLM mode, however this doesn't explain my workaround that I found.


Easiest way to replicate is to open a game where you can move your cursor across the screen in a straight line slowly, I use destiny 2 on the characters select screen & just scroll across the bottom to see the jump every seconds, it's almost like frame loss. It doesn't happen on the dashboard as far as I can tell, nor if your controller is idle & cursor not moving. It's very noticeable in-game, I've tried 4 games, happens in all 4 (MW3, MW2, destiny 2, destiny 1), & if you didn't know better you'd think it was lag spikes but it's not.


Now the confusing part, the workaround. If you open the game you want, then turn the TV off at the wall, then back on, once open, navigate to the game on the sky home screen & choose, the game it then works flawlessly, no jitter at all, perfect. However if you go to the TV, menu or even open another game on the Xbox, it returns, again every 5 secs. This goes against it being the 60hz screen as the cause I think, but idk, I'm not tech expert.


Playing with ALLM mode off, is now unbearable, I've played on glass for 3 years with no issues when ALLM wasnt on the TV, no desync, felt normal, like other TVs. But since they auto added ALL.M, turning it off makes it unbearable, it feels like you're walking on ice, you're aim is delayed, the sound is also delayed by a few milliseconds, doesn't sound a lot but it really is, & it was t there before.


Hopefully someone can provide a video, hopefully my information helps them work out a solution, love glass for TV etc but I game more than I watch TV so it's quite the issue for me.




This message was authored by DShib This message was authored by: DShib

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds



Thanks for the response. Glad that it's been seen and mentioned to the team. 


I haven't got a recording to hand, however, one easy way to replicate it is by playing a game where you have the ability to pan the camera around. For example, in GTA V, slowly move the camera around the character and every 5 seconds, you will notice a micro stutter. It is only for a fraction of a second, but it kills the smoothness of the gameplay. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Nawwti This message was authored by: Nawwti

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

In first person shooters like cod it throws your aim off target lol. I've played destiny for that long with bungies laggy servers I assumed it was bungies fault at first, then thought it was the new series X I'd just bought so sent it back. How wrong was I 

This message was authored by DShib This message was authored by: DShib

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

It seems to be frame skipping. It's almost as if it's skipping 1 frame every 5 seconds. 


I've had this previously on PC, but with emulation. Frame skipping is normally on to compensate if the system thinks it's ahead of what's actually going on, or to try and bring the audio latency back in line with what's happening on the screen. 


I would imagine it's a relatively easy fix for the dev team. But something needs to be done because this will be affecting anybody who has an Xbox/PS5 with Sky Glass and as mentioned, some may not even think there's an issue. 

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: ALLM causing lag spikes/screen jumps every 5 seconds

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi everyone,


Just reaching out to see how the issue has been since we last talked? 


We are ideally looking for a recording to show the issue in situ when it's next possible by someone?  As this appears to be replicatable for some users.  We would like this to be tried even if it's with a mobile phone or another separate device.



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