Discussion topic: Can I get a better deal with sky?

This message was authored by Emjayf This message was authored by: Emjayf

Can I get a better deal with sky?

Hi all,


So I am Currently on a contract with Sky and they have been okay. This ends 18th March

And I have had Broadband Superfast for £26

Plus Evenings and Weekends phonecalls for £5.75

So that was £31.75 a month (this included a £13.50 a month discount)

They upped it to £37.50 (Broadband Superfast by £3.50 & Evenings and Weekends Extra by £2.25 from 1st May) but that is what all companies do in May! I seem to have an awkward time of year for changing.


Now I was happy with Sky but they want to up it to £54 from 18th April - which is a sharp rise!


I was looking at going back to Plusnet but they say if you join them you will lose your phone number and won't have a phone line! Which is okay, but we have a spotty mobile signal and my wife needs a phone in case of any hospital or Doctor things.


So I'm a bit stumped this time! Would Sky down the price of I asked them? Where do I contact them if so?


Any pointers would be helpful! Thanks!


All Replies

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Can I get a better deal with sky?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


We can't say for sure if Sky will offer you anything as they are not obliged to but if the hey you will need to make up your mind there and then n the spot as they same offer will not be available should you call back later.  The offer will also come with a new 24 month contract and you will have to factor in Aprils price rise.

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This message was authored by Gavin+Noble This message was authored by: Gavin+Noble

Re: Can I get a better deal with sky?

Call them saying you are going to leave at the end of your contract (has to be 31 days or less to do this). They will pass you onto the retentions team who will make an offer. It won't match your current discount but will be lower than your increase all being well.


If you decide not to accept the offer your services will end. At that point you can ring and speak to the win back team who will give you an offer to rejoin. 


I'm at the point where my services will end on Sunday because the retention offer wasn't going to save me much, given the forthcoming price rise.


I've seen online that customers who rejoin via the win back team get better offers but I'll let you know when I've spoken to them at the weekend! 



This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Can I get a better deal with sky?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Gavin+Noble wrote:


If you decide not to accept the offer your services will end. At that point you can ring and speak to the win back team who will give you an offer to rejoin. 

To be clear, your services won't end automatically. They'll only end if you give the prescribed notice to cancel - 14 days for broadband/landline and 31 days for everything else.

This message was authored by Gavin+Noble This message was authored by: Gavin+Noble

Re: Can I get a better deal with sky?

I thought it was clear from my post that if you're within the 31 days notice, reject their offer and say you're leaving that it will happen as I stated? Obviously, not. 


My TV services will end on Sunday because I gave them 31 days notice and rejected the retention offer. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Emjayf This message was authored by: Emjayf

Re: Can I get a better deal with sky?

Well I rang up and spoke to a lovely Scottish lady who said if I took off the weekend and evening calls, which I don't really use, I could get it down to £38.99 for 24 months.  I then asked if there was a retention centre that could maybe do a better deal? And she said they might and put me through to a lady who was probably from India and I could not understand much of what she said. It was a bad line and a broad accent and she threw so much confusiony way that I had to apologise and hang up. It really put me off - especially as I was just telling the Scottish lady how nice it was to have an accent I could fully understand!


So that has really put me off again.  I think I will have a think about it again tomorrow 


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