Discussion topic: Saturday Night Live Cutting Music Acts

This message was authored by rwq1987 This message was authored by: rwq1987

Saturday Night Live Cutting Music Acts

For the past two weeks there has been a musical guest on the Saturday Night Live on the Sunday night on Sky Comedy and neither musical performance was shown. Last Friday it was Dua Lipa and this week Vampire Weekend. We've had in the past poor reasons for cuts in Last Week Tonight that at least had a reason that was somewhat understandable but unless two weeks running you're claiming that on each performance they did something that broke the law I can't understand why there was a cut?


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This message was authored by rwq1987 This message was authored by: rwq1987

Re: Saturday Night Live Cutting Music Acts

The show has just finished now 10 minutes before the next show so it can't have been cut for time reasons and Maya the host has just thanked VW for their performance so clearly the person doing the edit doesn't care how stupid it looks to have a thank you for a non existent performance is. It was broadcast in the US so I have no idea why they're cutting it here.

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Saturday Night Live Cutting Music Acts

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It might be worth sending an email to the Viewer Relations team at Sky and asking them about this -  viewerR@sky.uk

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This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Saturday Night Live Cutting Music Acts

There's likely to be a dull reason for it rather than any law breaking, most likely music rights.


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