Discussion topic: Girls golf

This message was authored by Paul+Cows This message was authored by: Paul+Cows

Girls golf

I'm just listening to the Sky Sports Golf Live conversation on Sky about women's golf. Saying that they all need investment etc. but my daughter plays golf at the age of 12 and she's been playing for 6 years. She plays off 15 but it's such a hard sport even at that age. There is so much competition and so much hassle and grief you need to take mentally at that young age. I don't personally understand that why you get this at this age. It's definitely not encouraging to get girls involved in golf. You certainly can see why a lot don't even bother because you get a lot of hassle trying to even get to a average standard and it's mentally draining. Just wanted to share that as again this doesn't encourage the young girls to play golf. 


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Girls golf

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