31 Oct 2024 11:20 AM
When I watch football on steam playlist the action freezes for about 10 seconds and then restarts . This means that a match is shortened significantly and is virtually unwatchable. It only seems to happen on a football recording and everything else is fine. I have strong sky router speed and connected through an Ethernet cable.b
Anyone know what I can do, or is there an email address to get sky help?
31 Oct 2024 11:25 AM
It's a known issue and the more of us that report it the better
Please repeort it by email to
31 Oct 2024 11:44 AM
Thanks I've emailed them.
I don't think they are fulfilling the terms of the contract if they can't fix it
06 Nov 2024 08:11 PM
This problem is now sorted and it's working fine. I had a conversation online via WhatsApp and the chap there was very very helpful.
He said he thought the problem was my sky router speed. It was about 30 mgs which is what Sally recommend when you join, but he said that may not be fast enough to watch football on playlist. He upgraded me to the max 500 with no extra cost and it has cured the problem. Well pleased and thank you for telling me who to contact