Discussion topic: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

This message was authored by KenD This message was authored by: KenD

Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

When adjusting the sound setting on a puck it will revert to pcm stereo rather than stay in Dolby Digital Plus? The puck is connected to a Dolby ATMOS capable surround sound system.

Best Answers
This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker Answer

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

Chances are the devices (soundbar/AVR & puck) are negotiating what sound formats are mutually supported during a periodic handshake and incorrectly concluding that that only PCM stereo is mutually supported.


When setting the puck's sound format/output to Passthrough, it should stay as passthrough, outputting the Dolby Digital Plus as a raw bitstream for external devices to decode without going through handshaking.


Check that your soundbar/AVR is right up to date with the latest firmware - firmware update often include fixes to bugs/incompatiobilites when using HDMI connected video and sound sources. Then set the sound output format to Passthrough to send the sound data out to your soundbar/AVR without any internal decoding going on.  

Sky Glass & Stream Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.

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This message was authored by keng61 This message was authored by: keng61

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

I have noticed that the sound setting indication reverts to pcm, however dolby digital is still active.  I use passthrough and get the same indication. My puck is connected to an avr and is definately getting dd while sound setting shows pcm.


This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker Answer

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

Chances are the devices (soundbar/AVR & puck) are negotiating what sound formats are mutually supported during a periodic handshake and incorrectly concluding that that only PCM stereo is mutually supported.


When setting the puck's sound format/output to Passthrough, it should stay as passthrough, outputting the Dolby Digital Plus as a raw bitstream for external devices to decode without going through handshaking.


Check that your soundbar/AVR is right up to date with the latest firmware - firmware update often include fixes to bugs/incompatiobilites when using HDMI connected video and sound sources. Then set the sound output format to Passthrough to send the sound data out to your soundbar/AVR without any internal decoding going on.  

Sky Glass & Stream Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.
This message was authored by keng61 This message was authored by: keng61

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

As stated in my reply, though the setting shows PCM stereo Dolby Digital is being passed through.. It appears to be an indication bug in the setting.

If I select passthrough and then back to PCM then I get PCMstereo. Selecting Passthrough returns DD output but the indication reverts to PCM on exiting the setting.

Topic Author
This message was authored by KenD This message was authored by: KenD

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

Thanks both.

What's more peculiar is that if I power of the puck and remove the hdmi cable and reconnect the soundbar indicates dolby surround and the puck setting shows as dolby digital plus! However, when switching the system on next the puck has reverted to pcm stereo.

Should I just set the puck as pass through?

This message was authored by Skull+Treaty This message was authored by: Skull+Treaty

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@KenD wrote:

Should I just set the puck as pass through?


I keep mine set to passthrough and everything works as it should (using an AV receiver).

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"Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose"
Topic Author
This message was authored by KenD This message was authored by: KenD

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

I will set pass through and see how it goes.

Topic Author
This message was authored by KenD This message was authored by: KenD

Re: Sky streaming puck won't stay in Dolby Digital

Thanks for your help!


That with a wee bit of a change at switch on seems to have stabilised the settings.


Plus it all sounds a lot better!


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