Discussion topic: Sky stream not available. New customer ineligible

This message was authored by Mike162 This message was authored by: Mike162

Sky stream not available. New customer ineligible


I am trying to switch over to Sky (tv and broadband) Currently a Vodafone customer and out of 12 month contract in the next week. I was a sky customer up to 1 year ago.


I am trying to sign up to sky and when i try to complete the purchase, the page crashes and says that there are technical difficulties (this has been the case for a few days now).


I phoned sky last week and the person I spoke to advised me that the easiest way to switch was to sign up to broadband over the phone and then a colleague would call me to do the tv switch (currently still waiting on that callback 1 week later!). 


So I am now a Sky broadband customer (albeit awaiting postage of router box). I cant seem to be able to sign up to Sky Stream and it is indicating that i am an ineligible customer (as the term "ineligible customer" is in the url of the page when i try to purchase it.


Is there a way I can order this online or do i need to speak to someone? The bot assistants on the site are not helpful!


All Replies

This message was authored by Nigelb1972 This message was authored by: Nigelb1972

Re: Sky stream not available. New customer ineligible

You'll need to speak with someone as the automatic ordering process is picking up your old account. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky stream not available. New customer ineligible

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It's possible the online method isn't working because unless you have been away from Sky for 18 months you shouldn't be considered a new customer and therefore may be ineligible for that specific deal.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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